How do the Supply, Storage, and Flux of Energy and Matter Constrain the Structure and Dynamics of Ecological Systems
Some current and future field projects in the lab include the study of: (1) Regional to global scale patterns of organismal stoichiometry (plant and animals); (2) Ecosystem consequences of human-driven nutrient inputs; (3) Energetic and matter budgets in web-building spiders; (4) Structure and dynamics of predator-prey networks; and (5) Modern and ancient food web structure […]

Tissue Patterning + Morphogenesis
The main interest of our laboratory is to understand mechanisms underlying cell fate determination by cell signaling. We focus on the two highly conserved signaling pathways, the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and use fruit fly egg formation, oogenesis, as a model system.

Species Interactions in an Urban Context
Cities are among the most rapidly expanding habitats on the planet, and are home to more than half of the world’s humans. They tend to have high levels of chronic environmental stress that vary dramatically across urban habitat mosaics. However, they are still ecosystems, governed by many of the same ecological principles that are found in protected […]

Roles of Light and Circadian Clock in Complex Fungal Developments
A half-century of Neurospora circadian clock research have contributed significantly to our understanding of the molecular structure of the circadian oscillators in higher organisms, including humans. However it has been difficult to gain a comprehensive understanding of how the circadian clock works due to its complex nature and technical obstacles.